The Decay of the U.S. and the Stock Market Crash - 270

The Decay of the U.S. and the Stock Market Crash - 270

The Current Financial Crisis is Actually Good for the World. - 269

The Current Financial Crisis is Actually Good for the World. - 269

A State of the Planet Address - 268

A State of the Planet Address - Program 268

Our world has become a giant shopping mall. The buy and sell mentality has squeezed out arts, culture and civilization. We are pushed to materialism, and become sick as a result.

STOP the Destruction of the World - Program 266

It’s Vitally Important for Individuals and Society to Become Conscious of Pathology - 265

It’s Vitally Important for Individuals and Society to Become Conscious of Pathology - 265

Good People Live to Serve Society; Sick People Live to Attack It - 264

Good People Live to Serve Society; Sick People Live to Attack It - Program 264

Norberto Keppe’s science helps to correct our biggest problems. People do bad things by choice, and this perpetuates defects for generations.
The Science To Help Save The Planet - 263

The Science To Help Save The Planet - Program 263

Bad Leaders Work Against Goodness, Truth and Beauty - 262

Bad Leaders Work Against Goodness, Truth and Beauty - Program 262

The Value of a Society can be Found in the Good it Produces - 261

The Value of a Society can be Found in the Good it Produces - Program 261

Western Civilization is at an Impasse - 260

Western Civilization is at an Impasse - Program 260

The New Civilization of The Third Millennium - 259

The New Civilization of The Third Millennium - 259


STOP the Destruction of the World - Program 258

Trilogical (Scientific) Theology - Program 257

Trilogical (Scientific) Theology - Program 257


STOP the Destruction of the World - Program 256


STOP the Destruction of the World - Program 255


STOP the Destruction of the World - Program 254

All Problems Have Their Origin in the Internal Conduct of Human Beings - Program 253

All Problems Have Their Origin in the Internal Conduct of Human Beings - Program 253

Society should be based on ethics and human beings should serve a just society. It’s not and we don’t – and this occurred because of our deformation and rejection of essential energy.
Fear of Microbes Originates from Pasteur’s Incorrect Theories - Program 252

Fear of Microbes Originates from Pasteur’s Incorrect Theories - Program 252

We believe disease comes from outside, and the media does little to calm our fears. Today we’ll explore the late 19th century ideas that brought us this paranoid view to medicine.
How to straighten out the world

How to straighten out the world

In this excerpt from the STOP TV program, psychoanalyst and social scientist Norberto Keppe considers the key factors necessary to put the world back on the right track.
The Energy Solution For The New Millennium

The Energy Solution For The New Millennium

Trilogical (Scientific) Theology - Program 257

The origin of – and solution to – the destruction of the world - Program 166

Trilogical (Scientific) Theology - Program 257

How envy destroys the life on our planet - Program 135

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